Grace Smiles On Me

There's one word that always throws me off in the Bible. I get love. I understand mercy. Sanctification, justification, righteousness... I am comfortable with all those words. But, when it comes to "grace" I am dumbfounded, partly because I understand it and I don't understand it all at the same time. If someone was to ask me to describe any of the above words, I wouldn't even hesitate to begin explaining, but grace...I don't even know where to start. I just don't get it. Everytime I think I have understood it, it reveals itself in a different way.

BUT...I am always so grateful that it is given to me everyday. When I am in my high places, full of happiness and joy...when I am in my low places, lost or hurting or just plain confused about everything...Grace Smiles On Me! Grace holds me together, Grace gives me the strength to move forward. Grace just looks down and smiles on me knowing that one day I will understand what Grace truly is.Grace helps me to realise that I can't do this all by myself and Grace is there to hold my hand.


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!