
I made cake again! This cake was a delicious red velvet cheesecake which unfortunately I didn't get to the camera fast enough to take a picture of the inside. It was my first baked cheesecake ever (shocking!) and it was a success!

Lately, my whole life has been revolving around cake, and I am loving it! I have never had so much free time on my hands and I am using up most if not all that time either reading about cake science, finding new recipes, trying them out, decorating cakes, eating cakes, when I am not doing all of this and sleeping, I am having dreams about cakes!'s sad I know, but I am enjoying every moment of it! I love the preparation of cakes, the smell of the cake when it's in the oven, the planning as to how the final product should look and then watching everybody's faces enjoy the taste.


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!