101 in 1001

Okay, if I am honest, I wasn't ready for 2014 until maybe about a week ago. I think the run up to t last year got so intense with university and everything else, and then travelling home to Zimbabwe (another post, another time) that I didn't really have time to think about transitioning from 2013 to 2014. For me, New Year is my favourite time of the year because of all the optimism that surrounds us. Somehow there is this air of positivity and believing that you can achieve anything. Yes, I am the person who makes resolutions every year (even though I don't always keep them) and I look forward to making them. I like reflecting on the past, on what went well and what didn't, what do I want to do differently, or sometimes keep up, etc...BUT...somehow, this year was different and it just came so quick, I wasn't ready for it and I remember constantly wishing we were back in 2013 during the first two weeks of 2014. I think what was lacking for me was that optimism for the year, I was still living and finishing off 2013.

Fast Forward to today, I have accepted 2014, I am looking forward to it and yes, I have made my goals. the only difference is that instead of lasting for 365 days, they are for 1001 days. So I have come up 101 things I would like to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years or 32 months). I first got the idea from Yelena Bosovik (you should check hers out) and I also used a few other bucket lists for inspiration. I figured it was a nice long stretch which allowed me enough time to do everything listed on there because some of it takes some time. I tried to make the tasks as specific as possible, realistic and also stretching (I know some of them sound simple but trust me...I am in for me). This idea came to me last night at 3 a.m. when I couldn't sleep but I am feeling positive about this list, so here goes:

Start Date: 22 January 2014

End Date: 19 October 2016

1. Actually compile the list and deposit £15 in my account as I accomplish a goal. my first completed task!
2. Pass my driving test. (this has been a long time coming)
3. Get a car. 
4. Have a technology free weekend.
5. Memorise Hebrews 11. 
6. Weigh 65kgs.
7. Host a dinner party and cook everything from scratch.
8. Take a cake class.
9. Bake a cake for a wedding.
10. Go on a date.
11. Go away for a weekend alone.
12. Get a massage.
13. Learn a challenging piece on the piano.
14. Learn how to use my DSLR.
15. Do something that scares me. (I'm scared of a lot of things).
16. Run for 5 miles straight.
17. Visit the Grand Canyon.
18. Own a MacBook Pro.
19. Start my first grown up job.
20. Complete five of my Pinterest DIYs.
21. Complete my cake website.
22. Update my blog at least twice a week for a month.
23. Post a link to my blog on my Facebook page (eek!!!!).
24. Invest in a classic handbag.
25. Throw out twenty things and don't replace them.
26. Make an address book for family and friends.
27. Find ten favourite restaurants.
28. Have a full on French conversation ( i.e. Make use of four years of French class!).
29. Spend a day with each of my siblings doing what they want, paid for by me! (Oh boy...)
30. Find my best beauty routine and follow it for a month.
31. Take a cooking class.
32. Cook twenty of the recipes I pinned on Pinterest.
33. Send my mum flowers out of the blue.
34. Do the 30 Day Squat Challenge. (I can feel the pain already).
35. Read a Jane Austen novel. (Any suggestions?)
36. Complete the insanity program.
37. Re-purpose two pieces of furniture.
38. Grow my hair to bra strap length.
39. Moisturise and seal my hair everyday for 3 months.
40. Try five new foods.
41. Have a no-spend month (Groceries, bills, emergencies only).
42. Get married (hehe).
43. Give a 100% tip.
44. Have someone redesign my blog.
45. Pay for a domain name for my blog.
46. Put all my favourite recipes in a cookbook, annotated.
47. Note down things that make me smile everyday for a month.
48. Have a prayer box with dated prayer requests.
49. Go on a solo road trip.
50. Answer the fifty questions to free your mind.
51. Write a letter to myself on pretty paper and open it at the end of this 1001 days.
52. Pay for a drink for the person after me in a coffee shop.
53. Take myself out for a nice dinner.
54. Start saving to buy a house.
55. Go to the movies alone.
56. Read ten new books for my spiritual growth.
57. Read five new novels for my enjoyment.
58. Find out my blood type.
59. Attempt to donate blood.
60. Make ice cream.
61. Learn to play the piano again.
62. Give up Facebook for a week.
63. Make five new friends.
64. Scrutinise my closet and donate.
65. Dye my hair with henna.
66. Organise files and important documents.
67. Write a blog guest post for someone.
68. Swim with dolphins.
69. Visit Lake District.
70. Visit Paris.
71. Pray for my future husband everyday for a month.
72. Become a teacher.
73. Send twenty-five handwritten notes of gratitude.
74. Do a Facebook friends audit.
75. Spend a whole day in bed.
76. Ride an elephant.
77. Visit Zimbabwe at least once.
78. Complete every page in a colouring book. (Don't ask..)
79. Stay overnight in a hotel in London.
80. Go on a road trip.
81. Fast from something other than social media for four weeks.
82. Visit Greece.
83. Inspire someone to create their own list.
84. Memorise the sermon on the mount.
85. Join a swimming class.
86. Buy a sewing machine.
87. Organise my caking cupboard.
88. Record a simple cake tutorial for my blog.
89. Print pictures and put into all the empty albums I bought!
90. Plant flowers that actually grow.
91. Teach a business class.
92. Be a bridesmaid for someone's wedding (please!).
93. Have my make-up done professionally.
94. Do a seminar on Dyslexia awareness. (I'm passionate :). )
95. Plan a surprise party.
96. Give an entirely homemade gift.
97. Finish crotcheting mums scarf.
98. Read the entire Bible.
99. Identify 101 things that make me happy.
100. Complete a financial plan.
101. Make a new list of 101 in 1001.

With that said, Happy New Year:)


  1. Oooo! Can we please go to Paris together and then you can teach me French (that definitely checks off at least two things on your list and off mine!). ;) I adore your list and am inspired by some of your items so much. I'm glad you're joining this project - my list has kind of becoming neglected with the launch of Tirzah, but I'm planning to get back into the swing of things soon! :)

    1. Oh yes! We definitely can go to Paris together! No one here wants to go with me haha! I have really enjoyed this list and the motivation it has given. Yours was definitely motivating as well! I do need to update and cross out a few things on mine, but with school and everything else, it has take a step back, but I am back onto it now!

  2. You just motivated me to do mine for 2015! I see a lot of completed tasks. What are you waiting for? Please do update and cross them out! I can help you cross out the "Visit Greece" task any day :-)


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!