
I have just finished reading this book for the second time round and both times have been a blessing to me in different ways. I never really knew Jeremy Camp or his music before coming across his book but it made such difference to me and it really made me evaluate the basis of my relationship with God.

The book basically goes through possibly the deepest pain that we go through in life, and Jeremy camp shares his struggles, failures, triumphs and how God brought him through it all. This time round, my favourite quote from the book is this:

"Many times, I have found that letting go is an essential part of finding the freedom we crave."

I do crave freedom, most people do (at least I think so). However, freedom is there and ready for me to grab it! What's stopping me? ME! If only I could just let go of the pursuit of perfection. Or if I could leave behind the fear of rejection. While I'm at it, why don't I leave behind those things which distract from having a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Only then, when I let it go, will I experience true freedom with the peace that passes all understanding.

What I love about this book is how God used tragic situation which in our worldly eyes would have absolutely no hope, He turned it around to be one of the biggest testimonies of His love. If anyone ever doubted that all things work for good for those who love the Lord, this book can prove them wrong.


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!