
My mind has been on overdrive all day. One of my very precious friends asked me to pray for her today. She wants to know God's purpose for her and what to do in her life to fulfil that purpose. This got me thinking, purpose is a big word, it defines our direction in life and provides motivation for all that we do. I remember a pastor saying, 'If God had no purpose for you and me, we would not have been born. God does not do things without purpose or reason'. Of-course, I started thinking of the meaning of life and this also brought me to the book of Ecclesiastes where Solomon, who is said to be the wisest man that ever lived, states in Ecclesiastes 12:13&14 that our whole purpose in life is to fear God and keep His commandments, remembering that everything will be brought to judgement in the end. Basically, Solomon is telling us to live life with God's purposes in mind that we may be able to stand boldly on that day. All of this, is easy to grasp, the hard part is now coming to know what your purpose in life actually is. There are so many good things we could all be doing in life but how do you know which one is yours?

I can definitely say purpose is one thing that everyone struggles with at one time or another. I want to get it right and I want to bless others but it just seems so hard to get to that place where you are completely in His will. Sometimes it seemed so complicated to me, I could want to be a doctor, but if it's not my calling, I could do more damage than healing. See the right thing at the wrong time and/or with the wrong person is still the wrong thing. I would encourage you to read 1 Chronicles 13, and also read the background around what is happening here. The first time I read this, I was confused as to why Uzza was struck down for trying to catch the ark which seemed as if it was about to fall. Until this morning I realised how out of God's line they were. It was great that they were trying to get the ark back, but God had given them clear instructions on how it was to be carried when transported. David had a brand new cart made for the ark, BUT, God had clearly told them that the ark was to be carried and only by Levites. God had also stated that the actual ark itself was not to be touched and the consequence of doing so was death. On the surface, what they did was a good deed, building a brand new cart, trying to catch the ark but it wasn't God's will. His ways are not our ways, He had reason for why things were done that way and they had to follow His rules. I may not fully understand the encounters in this passage of scripture but what I do know is that, no matter how amazing what you do in life is, when it is outside of God's will it doesn't mean anything, contentment only lies in God's purpose.

So how do you get there? I am still on the way there (that's another post altogether), but the best thing is to get on your knees and pray.

  • First of all for God to humble your heart that you may decrease and He increases. 
  • Pray that He gives you the desire for heavenly things. 
  • Pray that He breaks your heart with the things that break His heart. 
  • Pray for passion for what He calls you to do. 
  • Pray that he removes the Spirit of fear when it comes to doing what you have been called to do. Finally, pray to find joy and contentment in what you have been called to do.

God is faithful to answer our prayers and with an open heart, you will see Him move in your life in amazing ways! The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Give your heart and watch God do wondrous things in your life.

Please join me as I pray for my sweet friend to find contentment in God's purpose for her life.


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!