let it snow

I haven't been around for a while, I went to visit my cousin in the countryside. I love going there because of the stillness and the scenery. This time it was that much more beautiful because we got our first snowfall of the season. Unfortunately I didn't take my camera with me *sad face*. However, when I got home, there was snow!

My area is not as nice as the British countryside, but snow has the tendency to cover up any imperfections and make everything look beautiful! It reminds me of God's love, no mater who we are and no matter what we've done, when we are covered by Him, nothing can overcome us! This is what He means when He talks about His grace being sufficient for us, so much that His strength is made perfect when we are weak. Like the snow makes the ugliest barren tree beautiful, God makes the weakest, hopeless person stand up strong!

I love how you can find God in everything around you and this was a good example for me in a time that I needed to hear this.


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!