amazing grace

Amazing grace,
How sweet the sound,
that saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see.

These words just popped into my head this evening and singing them filled my heart with a joy that I cannot explain.

Earlier today, I picked up one of my old journals and I was reading through some prayers hoping to get some kind of comfort. Instead I read a page and realised, I was still struggling with the same issues today. What came in the place of that comfort was fear that I was a stagnant Christian who just could not jump over any hurdles. I just didn't seem to be growing at all. This has been on my mind all day and if I am honest, I did entertain the thought of giving up once or twice today, BUT grace...

You see, grace is so amazing to me. Grace watches me try and try harder in my efforts, sometimes I fall but grace, amazing grace, marvellous grace...

Grace smiles on me, picks me up, brushes me off and reminds me that I don't need to try so hard because grace on its own is sufficient for me. So at this moment, I song of amazing grace which has lifted me up from my sorrows reminding me that I may not be where I should be BUT I definitely am not where I used to be. Grace did that!

So please join me in these next few moments, in praising God for his grace, which though i may not understand...I know I am in need of and it is available to me in abundance.


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!