
There's always one knock I do not wish to have on my door. That is the knock of a policeman. For some reason, they never seem to bring good news. As soon as I saw him I think my heart skipped a beat but luckily he quickly reassured me that it was just a routine call to ask a few questions about recent burglaries in my neighbourhood. He asked us a few questions and just before he left he said, "Please be careful because there have been a number of burglaries around".

After hearing this, I automatically starting brainstorming ideas to help us make the house "more secure". Extra locks on the door, perhaps consider getting an electronic lock with a door code instead of keys (because I hate keys find them inconvienient), maybe look into getting one of those central alarm systems and a time lock, the possibilities are endless! For a minute there, I even considered moving house completely! But then the thought came to mind that a few of the neighbours who were burgled already have some of these things! Which, of course, led to more panic!

Thankfully this verse came to the rescue...

As much as these man made "crime prevention" methods were useful, without God, they meant nothing. Safety comes from abiding under God's shadow. I love the verse further down in Psalms 91 where David says, "He will give His angels charge over thee...". Even though we lock all our doors and windows (I double checked today), what is important is that after all of that, we entrust our lives to God! Knowing that He is in control is what will give me a peaceful night's sleep tonight.

What words give you comfort when you are afraid?


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My name is Nomsa! Jesus is my first love! After that comes family and friends closely followed by baking, writing, singing, Pinterest and all things cake!